

Status: Closed


  1. Sketch

  2. Base Colors

  3. Rendering

Sketch step establishes the pose. After the sketch is approved, the pose will be finalized.


Bust $25
Halfbody $30
Fullbody $40
Flatcolor +$10


Bust $45
Halfbody $60
Fullbody $90

**All prices include a flat color background. Complex backgrounds will be extra.

Landscape Focused

Starting at $60

General Info

  • Please have references ready beforehand

  • Cluttered/complex requests will result in additional cost -- we can discuss and negotiate over this

  • Adding a character increments price based off of the original price by 80% (e.x. bust sketch of 2 characters is $25 + $25*0.8 = $45)

  • I will send a sketch of a pose and you are free to request changes. Once you are satisfied with the pose and approve, that pose will be final, unless I make a change (with your reapproval of course)

  • I will send you WIPs as I progress, and you are free to tell me what changes you'd like made

Terms of Service

  • My commissions are for PERSONAL use only

  • You may NOT feed my work to AI

  • You may NOT make my works into NFTs

  • I reserve all rights to my art

  • You may not alter my work besides resizing and cropping

  • I have the right to decline your order

  • I will draw people, people with animal ears/tail, slight gore, slightly suggestive content

  • I will NOT draw furries, mechas, extreme gore, NSFW/L

  • I will only draw in my own art style

  • There will be no deadlines, as I have other priorities in life as well, but I can give you an ETA

  • There will be additional charge for major changes at final stages


  • Payment is through PayPal (USD)

  • Payment will be upfront

  • Cancelling mid-commission will result in payment depending on how much progress I've made

  • If I cancel the commission, you will be fully refunded

Email me at [email protected] if you're interested or have any questions :)